Major in
Advertisement & Animation
Create an animated bus stop advertisement. The animation should be within 5-15 seconds and be loopable.
(This is the brief I created to guide my design choices which supplement the given brief above).
The University of Sydney has seen a drastic reduction in the number of students picking philosophy majors, they want to advertise to the youth in the Sydney area that philosophy is a viable study option.
> This is NOT an actual job for the University of Sydney
Software: Adobe Illustrator + Adobe After Effects
To challenge myself on this job I chose to create an advertising campaign encouraging students to major in philosophy. As a blooming philosopher myself I’ve noticed the stigma around philosophy degrees, ‘philosophy is useless,’ ‘philosophy is a waste of time,’ etc. The message needed to convey what makes studying philosophy worthwhile, namely giving people clarity of mind and critical thinking skills.
The animation had to be eye-catching with a simplistic message (we only have 15 seconds max to play with).
I decided to implement a similar style to the already existing branding of the University of Sydney, namely the use of white and black sans-serif fonts and their signature orange colour palette. The animation would be made up of different text boxes moving across the screen displaying the message I needed to convey. I then added a pair of eyes to act as the guide and example of the animation. The eyes would glance around showing people where to look, demonstrate the journey of discovering philosophy as well as add character and an eye-catching element to the animation.